The top 3 pipe rehabilitation methods to try next year.

Trenchless methods are popular in the drainage industry as they are non disruptive and eco-friendly, and the rehabilitation of pipes has become more cost effective, quick, reliable, and long lasting. Pipe rehabilitation can usually be carried out from manhole to manhole and there are different methods to choose from depending on the repair. 

Pipelines around the world are at risk of failing due to ageing, deposits, and corrosion, but which trenchless pipe rehabilitation methods could you be trying next year? With many pipe rehabilitation methods out there to choose from we are going to highlight some of the more favourable methods in the industry. 

1. Cure-in-Place Pipe (CIPP)

CIPP pipe rehabilitation methods involve lining within the existing pipe which can help eliminate infiltration, while adding strength to a pipeline and prevent pipe scaling and corrosion.

A favoured method of pipe rehabilitation is CIPP which involves the use of a resin-soaked liner that is inverted and inserted into the affected pipeline after the pipeline is cleaned and inspected. Once placed within the pipe, the liner is expanded using compressed air and allowed to fill the pipe. Hot water, steam or UV/LED lights are applied to the liner to accelerate the curing process.  (Find out more about CIPP Lining Systems and curing methods here:What you need to know about CIPP lining systems and curing methods. (

CIPP methods offer pipeline engineers the option to significantly extend the life expectancy of an existing pipeline without the need to remove the old pipeline from its route, whether this is a buried pipe, a surface network, or a pipeline within a building.

2. Coating

Using Coating systems has become an upcoming favourable pipe rehabilitation technique. This method can be hand applied, poured or even sprayed on, in and around pipelines to provide a coating barrier to prevent rust and corrosion, helping renovate old or deteriorated drains and sewers to prolong its lifespan.

the pipe is cleaned, applying a coating provides a damp-proof, corrosion resistant, wear-resistant, and non-corrosive lining. Several coats can be applied within the same pipe to form a seamless new semi-structural pipe.

With innovations continuing to come out in the market, coating has become a choice for when CIPP installation isn’t possible. (Find out more about Picote’s new Xpress Coating System for the rehabilitation of DN32-DN300 pipes here:Accessing the next generation of brush coating with Picote Xpress. (

3. Mechanical Point Repair

Mechanical repairs systems are an efficient trenchless method of sealing pipes that are damaged, they are mainly made from high-quality and long-lasting materials such as EPDM rubber and stainless stell. The main benefit of mechanical point repair is that no chemicals are used so there is no curing time.

Mechanical repairs have been installed globally for repairing the following types of defects in pipe:longitudinal, radial, and circumferential cracks, fragmentation, leaking joints, displacement, or joint misalignment, closing or sealing unused laterals, corrosion, spalling, wear, leaks in the barrel of the pipe, deformation in the pipe and root penetration. There are no limitations on the diameters of the laterals that can be sealed.

These systems are an efficient method of sealing pipes that are damaged and is also the perfect alternative answer to a common patch repair. (Find out more about how mechanical repair is an alternative to patch or CIPP repair:Mechanical point repair is the answer to your patching alternative question. (

In conclusion…

Trenchless pipe rehabilitation boats a number of unique benefits, and the range of methods you can choose from all offer the same benefits as well as long lasting results. S1E offers and supplies a comprehensive portfolio of trenchless pipe repair, rehabilitation and renewal systems and products to those working in the drainage repair industry. If you have any queries feel free to contact us, as one of our experienced sales team members will be happy to help. Contact the S1E Sales Team on 01226 397015 or email

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